The 3 P’s to a Perfect Pitch : Participation
Preparation, Presentation, and Participation.
These are the 3 P’s to a perfect pitch (try saying that ten times fast). It may sound simple, it may sound silly but that’s how you are going to remember the 3 major considerations when it comes to selling your offering to a client. The third and final part of this series delves into the P of “Participation”.
“Participation” isn’t just a type of trophy that kids receive nowadays. It’s a crucial aspect of winning a sale in the business world. I don’t just mean “you’ve got to be in it to win it”. Obviously, you need to be heavily involved in the sale process to capture the customer’s attention and that’s the role “Preparation” and “Presentation” play in demonstrating this. In this case, participation refers to getting the customer themselves involved in the sale process.
The perfect pitch isn’t just about one-way communication. It involves finding a way to get the customer to sell to themselves. When you’re in the room with your prospect or client, take this opportunity to let them tell you what they want. Often sales people are so focused on showing off what they think are the wow factor features of their offering that they fail to realise that their client is more interested in a completely different feature. An important part of “participation” is to identify what your client or prospect is interested in and adapting your presentation’s focus to suit what they need. As mentioned earlier in this series, a good presentation is an adaptable one and hopefully through “preparation” you won’t have too much you need to alter.
They teach in marketing that a client who has been directly involved in the creation of their offer is far more likely to adopt the offering as one of their own fruition and proceed through to the full implementation of the offering. See what you can do to more involve your client in your pitch.
Referring once again to the capabilities of KD Max, it provides the opportunity for designers and cabinet makers to more heavily involve their clients in the creation process. A client can say “what would that look like in black?” or “how about we change that cabinet into a set of drawers” and KD Max allows you to make those changes right in front of the client with a few clicks of a button. This capability greatly builds the sense of collaboration with a client and heavily involves them in the moment with instantaneous transition of a design and instant gratification for the client.
This provides so much benefit compared to a traditional method where a client would make suggestions and you would return to your office to redo the entire design. The time of separation between those moments reduces the prospects involvement in the design process and thus they lose their connection with the design itself. KD Max has helped many businesses enhance their client participation in the selling process and is a great example of how greater selling can stem from greater participation.
Involve your clients in the process. KD Max allows users to adapt their design to meet new requests from clients.
What are you selling? Who are you trying to sell it too? This is what this short series has been trying to get you to think about. In the end the way to get a sale is to make the connection between the two. You need to understand your clients individually and understand your product thoroughly enough to create the perfect pitch.
Prepare for your pitch to ensure you get connection, Present with creativity and variety to ensure you get attention, Participate with your client to ensure you get engagement. Do all three P’s to ensure you get the Perfect Pitch.
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