
Save time and improve productivity with your CNC machine software.

Discover the WoodCAM Features.

WoodCAM is CNC machine software created to streamline the entry of cabinet specifications and to automate the distribution of cutting lists to your CNC machines such as Flatbed Routers and Saws.

WoodCAM Features Intuitive Design


Only elementary computer skills are required, however, cabinet-making knowledge is essential. ‘Balloon’ help is provided for all data entry fields. Simply hold your mouse cursor over a field for assistance or tab to the field, and any available help text is displayed in the status line at the bottom of the screen, guiding data entry.


A selection screen is available for the Items in the Job. This screen shows all Items in the current Room and optionally in the entire current Job. Selecting any item on this selection screen displays that item for viewing and maintenance on the main screen.


WoodCAM is very fast compared with other commonly used computerised cabinet design and manufacturing aid software products.


A Shortcut Menu may be used to quickly select commonly used procedures. This menu is shown when the right mouse button is pressed in an open space on the main design screen. Additional functionality is shown when the right mouse button is pressed over the Room and Item Property Names. The ‘Short-cut menu’ includes ‘Set as Default Value’ when pressed over the Item Property names.


A comprehensive installation and training manual is supplied with WoodCAM. You may also press the [F1] key when entering cabinet details to receive more detailed Help from the Property User Guide document.


If you have added a room full of cabinets but need to make an overall material change, don’t do it one by one, instead, make the changes once on your room defaults and let WoodCAM apply it to all products in your job. No need to let tasks like this chew into your day’s work.

Database | Storage | Back-ups


An automatic backup regime is included in WoodCAM to provide regular data backup for the system. This can be tailored to suit your needs and the level of security required.


WoodCAM can be used with multiple WoodCAM databases. If WoodCAM is installed on a portable computer such as a Laptop, then it can be configured to work with both a local WoodCAM system and a company system.


The system holds all product and configuration data in an open, unlocked Microsoft Access Database. Data may be updated by anyone with very basic Microsoft Access knowledge. Data may be copied and pasted from any existing records and any existing fields or from Excel spreadsheets and text files.

You may add your own new database tables and data to be used within your spreadsheets if required. Some Microsoft Access configuration knowledge is required to achieve this, but it is a similar process to using Microsoft Excel.


The system can hold the detailed history of the most recent 20,000 jobs of average size before very old jobs are removed. The system will therefore hold many years of work before requiring any older jobs to be archived to free up space for new jobs.

Product Spreadsheets | Product Libraries | Software Automated Upgrades & Updates


You may import and convert your own existing compatible Product Spreadsheets and your reference/lookup data, and/or include them with the Standard Cabinet Libraries supplied with the WoodCAM package, thereby extending the base libraries.


A Standard Product Library is supplied including an extensive range of Excel Spreadsheets for most common Cabinetmaking Items. These spreadsheets provide a Parts List of all materials and accessories, which may be used as a ‘Packing List’ for assembly/delivery.


An Excel Macro of the users’ choice may be run automatically at the end of an export processing run. This allows the customer to run their own processing, reporting, etc. at the end of every export processing run.


Program upgrades will be distributed from time to time and a simple menu selection will automate the required updates. The upgrades may include:

  • New and changed spreadsheets
  • New data to add/change the database tables.
  • A new series of drawer runners
  • New programs
  • Newer spreadsheets.
  • Updated Cabinet pictures,
  • Updated background colour schemes
  • Updated product documentation


WoodCAM will collect any text from specially named cells in the spreadsheets during the export processing and present these to the operator at the end of the export processing. These messages may include reminders, warnings and errors, etc. Other errors detected during the export processing such as drawer section errors, are also included.


New and changed spreadsheets are automatically detected and included in the Spreadsheet Library. This may be controlled by a terminal-specific option so that only a designated terminal (e.g. the main ‘Server’) performs this action automatically. However, each terminal may select this process from the WoodCAM ‘File’ menu if desired, even when the automatic feature is disabled.
Any previous setting of default property values will be retained while importing an updated spreadsheet.


Pictures may be installed to ease the process of selecting from the available cabinets and styles. These pictures may be assigned to any Cabinet type in the library, including ‘Templates’ and then used visually in the selection process. Any assigned pictures are also displayed in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen during entry, change and review of the cabinets, as a visual confirmation of the cabinet / item style. You may include your own suitably named pictures from drawings, a scanner or from a digital camera. (Small, low-resolution images are preferred, eg. 300 x 300 pixels.

Cut Lists | Job Tracking | Maintenance | Quotes


An inbuilt Panel Viewer function allows any exported files / parts to be viewed immediately, showing each item and each machining step with dimensions, etc. Zoom in and out functionality allows detailed inspection of the parts and bore holes, etc.


System Configuration and Data Maintenance may be done at any time, even during the entry of a Job, etc. without having to save and later return to your current work. While entering Job details, you may enter the data maintenance screen to add a new hinge, handle or board, etc. and then select that new item while continuing to enter the job. This maintenance may also be conducted on another networked terminal, before continuing to enter the Job Item details, if this is more convenient.


There is built-in compatibility for older job details, even after significant changes may be made to the underlying cabinet spreadsheets’ structure. Any future reference to older jobs will load all details that retain the same ‘Property Names’ and will include the current system default values for any new spreadsheet ‘Properties’. Any ‘Properties’ that no longer exist in the latest spreadsheets are highlighted to the operator with an alert message, indicating the old ‘Property name’ with its value. These could be used to update any replaced property if required. There is also an automated process whereby Property Name changes can be ‘translated’ if required in all existing Job History and where referenced in any ‘Templates’.


Quotations may be entered and kept separately from normal production jobs from where they may ultimately be converted into a Production Job when the customer accepts the quotation.


You may search for Jobs that have matching criteria to your entered search text. A selection of key Job data fields may be searched as required. This will prove useful when, after years of processing, you have many thousands of jobs in the database and you need to refer to an old job.

Special Cabinetry Requirements


The intricacies associated with Corner Drawer Assemblies are completely automated, requiring no manual intervention to configure Gallery rail holes, etc.


You may choose to saw a range of parts of commonly used materials and sizes and keep them in stock. These sizes and materials may be entered into the ‘Stock Blanks’ database table and from there can be matched during the export processing, to parts that are to be cut on the current cut list. Where a match is found, the part from the Stock Blanks can be substituted, so reducing the load on the Flatbed Router. The ‘Stock Blanks’ parts may optionally include edging and this can also be recorded with each ‘Stock Blank’ part. Where a matching part is found, the ‘destination’ in the export file is changed and the label produced reflects this.


Drawer Fronts may be grouped together when cut to ensure that the graining of the material will line up vertically with each drawer front. All Drawer front holes from each drawer face (Runners, Bottom Bracket, Handles, etc.) are positioned at the correct locations on the combined face.


Boards, which are required in non-stocked colours, may be commented against the Board Materials avoiding the need to add and configure the new board details. Eg. ‘16 Col Mel*Blue’.


All entered fields for rooms and product items may have predetermined default values reflecting the majority of work done at the factory. Any fields that would usually require changes every time such as cabinet width and handle details, etc, may have their default values highlighted in Red. This highlights the cabinet details that usually require changes, so reducing mistakes. Fields may also be ‘locked’ preventing accidental changes where the default value must always be used.

The default values for properties in the current cabinet item may be changed/updated during job entry to adopt the current entered value. E.g. during the entry of a new job, a process or template is chosen from the Spreadsheet library. Some default values retrieved may no longer be stocked or considered to be the current desired values. These default values can be changed now for inclusion in future jobs.

Interface Customisation | Foreign Languages | Part Labelling


Most WoodCAM Headings, phrases, Help text and dialogue may be translated into foreign languages. This feature may also be used to alter some text where the customer would prefer different terminology to be used.


A ‘Cut-List ONLY’ version is available where the business does not yet use NC machinery. This option may also include a Label printer to produce labels to be adhered to the cut parts.


As fields for a new Product Item are entered and changed from their initial default values, these fields are highlighted in Pink until the Item is completed and saved. This gives the operator a visual cue to allow easy review of the changes before continuing. The system also continues to highlight any properties that were changed from their default values, whenever they are viewed.


The data entry Background Colour Scheme for the screen may be chosen from a supplied list of schemes or from picture files generated by the customer, if desired. These backgrounds could include the Customer’s Name and Logo and other business information. (A light pastel background is needed so as not to conflict or obscure any on-screen writing.)

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