I just love the pictures that pop out! – Ladie Tradie on KD Max

I just love the pictures that pop out at the end!
“I like the fact that you can get from 3D back to all the plans,” says Laura Thompson, of Ladie Tradie when talking about KD Max. “That’s probably one of the best things about it. I can show the clients the 3D. But for me, I want to see the plans for it all. Top plans and things like that. I love that part of it!”
KD Max allows users to toggle between a 3D version of their design and a 2D top-down layout. Laura finds this feature very useful when discussing plans with clients. She describes how using KD Max as a visual aid assists in these meetings, “I think people look forward to the fact that every time I get to that point, I say ‘yeah ok, don’t stress, we can change things’. “
Laura has been using KD Max for 2 ½ years now. On transitioning over to KD Max, Laura says, “I found it really good compared to what I was using. Now that I’m using KD Max, it’s so much easier. I love the pictures that pop out at the end!”
Another feature that Laura really likes is the way in which you can easily create your designs in KD Max. “All of the cupboards are already in KD Max, you just have to click, change the size, put them in and move them around until you are happy with it. It’s fantastic!”

“Sometimes people want to know what it’s going to look like, I tell them I’ll draw it for them in 3D and they can spin around the room and have a look to see what they think of it. Then if they don’t like something, I move it. They think it’s like a video. It looks real but it’s not. Then the cupboards go in and the whole kitchen gets installed and they say ‘It looks just like the picture you gave me!’” says Laura laughing, “They instantly go ‘Wow, that is exactly what you showed us, and that’s exactly what we got’. People love that!”
When chatting about the onboarding process and the support that Laura has received, she says, “The support from them has been fantastic! From the beginning, they rang me and told me that my dongle was going to be delayed and they gave me extra support to combat the fact that it was going to be late. When it turned up, I rang and they helped me set it up the way it’s supposed to be. They said I should go to the tutorials, watch them all, learn what I can, and then if I get stuck, I should ring them and they’ll give me a hand with whatever I need to do. They basically reply as soon as I email them, saying “we’ll ring you back tomorrow at 10am and we’ll sort it out for you. I don’t even have to wait very long for them to answer. That’s really nice when you’re trying to draw something for a client.”
On being asked about any differences to her business that Laura has noticed since using KD Max, Laura says, “Probably that the whole process going from quoting to actually locking in a job and then ordering it, is a lot faster. Quoting is one thing, but then you can lock it in when you draw them a picture. Then you can move things around. It’s a lot more intuitive.”
Laura uses KD Max in conjunction with the goCabinets ordering system. In 2022, goCabinets launched a new feature that allows users to import designs from KD Max straight into goCabinets. This feature boosted goCabinet’s already streamlined and simplified cabinetry ordering system.
KD Max allows users to create photo-realistic 3D designs that can be viewed from all different angles. With just a click of a button, a user can instantly generate 2D plans and elevations that are ready for printing. Win more jobs with stunning imagery and easy to read plans using KD Max. Click here for more information on KD Max.